"Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my Blog. All the photos were taken by me, unless indicated otherwise. You can use or reproduce certain contents and images (except for personal notes/ journals) for personal use only."

Blog's quote: Biarlah apa yang ditulis memberi manfaat untuk yang lain, insyaAllah.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Car Wash

We went to Shell gas station to wash our car using automatic car wash and this is our first experience, haha.

I was shocked when I heard a loud noise coming from the washed place. The machine started by sprinkled the soaps bubble, and then rinsed with water. The process continued for a few times.

Haha what a awkward moment for me! Aliya just showed her boring and sleepy face. Papa? He was laughing and make fun on me! grrr :p

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fishing + Catfish

We went to Brookings Lake this evening for fishing. We got two catfishes, one for Papa and one for Mama, Alhamdulillah (rezeki hari ini).

The weather is so good, not too hot and not too cold but we only stayed for one hour because there were too many mosquitoes want to bite us, huhu.

Nasi goreng sayur campur

Nasi goreng main campur aje ni :p hahha nak makan banyak, then nak sedap, tapi nak diet sihat sekali, so masak la nasi goreng sayur campur, nasi sikit aje, tapi sayur banyak, so, makan sayur lebih! :)
Lunch, dinner ngan nasi ni aje la...hehhe makan ngan cili sos bagi tambah sedap, orang lain tak tahu la... :D


1. Ayam (potong kecik2)
2. ikan bilis segenggam
3. bawang besar
4. bawang putih
5. cili padi (ikut selera pedas)
6. sayur campur (saya taruk cendawan butang, karot, kacang peas, kacang panjang, jagung)
7. serbuk lada hitam
8. garam secukup rasa
9. minyak (guna minyak canola 2 sudu saje)
10. nasi putih
11. halia 1 inci


1. Panaskan minyak, then masukkan bawang besar, bawang putih, cili padi, halia~ tumis sampai kekuningan skit dan bau wangi
2. Masukkan ayam dan ikan bilis
3. bila lauk2 separa masak, saya masukkan garam skit, then lada hitam skit, gaul2 biar sebati dengan lauk, then masukkan sayur campur
4. biar sampai semuanya masak, then taruk nasi, gaul sebati, masa ni, kalau garam atau serbuk lada hitam tak cukup, boleh la taruk secukup rasa..hehhe
5. tutup api, hidang dan makan!

Sekian, nasi goreng saya yang tak seberapa ini! :)

Notes: Sorry for those who don't understand this language (bahasa melayu rojak, hahha)!

Foods fun facts

[1] Onion

  • If you eat onions you can get rid of onion breath by eating parsley.

[2] Olive Oil

  • A tablespoon of olive oil contains about 120 calories and 14 g total fat.
  • 'Light' olive oil refers to the light color and milder flavor- it's not lower in fat.

[3] Carrot

  • Carrot really can help you see in the dark! Carrots contains with vitamin A known to prevent "night blindness".

[4] Drinking water

  • There are about 100,000 bacteria in one liter of drinking water. *Masak air sebelum minum!

[5] Fruits & vegetables

  • Sometimes frozen fruits and frozen vegetables are more nutritious than fresh. Fruits and vegetables grown for freezing are usually frozen right after they're picked. Therefor they have less time to lose their nutrients.

[6] Tomato

  • Have a tomato with your burger! When a source of vitamin C (orange, lemon, grapefruits, strawberry, potato, tomato, etc) is eaten with meat or cooked dry beans, the body makes a better use of the iron in the protein food.

[7] Calories vs Fat

  • It takes 3500 calories to make a pound a fat. So, as long as you are active and burning of calories, calories should not have too much of chance to turn into fat.

[8] Lemon

  • Lemon contain more sugar than strawberry!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eat, eating, eater!

We have been invited to Papa's friend small party. She'll move out from her apartment next week, so, this is her farewell party for her apartment, hehhe.

We made a strawberry cheese cake for her and unluckily the cake was burned at the bottom when we tried to cut it into pieces. However, the cake was cleared...ermmm yummyyyy (*Rosak diet sihat!! hehhe)

Thanks to Lihua for inviting us! We really enjoyed the foods.

Notes: Congratulations to Acot and her wife Olly for their newborn baby girl.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Strawberry picking

We went to pick-your-own strawberry farm (Sanderson's Farms) this afternoon to pick fresh and sweet strawberry.

This is end of planting season and most of the strawberries are over-ripe. Mama enjoyed picking and eating the strawberries while Papa holding Aliya at her snugger.

Notes: for more info of strawberries picking at pick-your-own farm, please visit at this website: http://www.pickyourown.org/strawberries.htm

Aliya photo for today's shot. She wore Mama's handmade crochet hat :).

Say yes to a healthy life!

In these four days, we changed our diet to the healthy meals.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat rice 1/2 pot a day.
  • Broil and steam the meats.
  • Drink more water and say NO to sweet beverages.
We did some physical activities every afternoon like playing badminton. We also walked and jogged at Mc'Crory Gardens.

Sambil joging dan berjalan2, boleh la amik peluang untuk snap
gambar2 cantik di taman! :)

Notes: Harap sangat dapat bertahan untuk kehidupan yang lebih sihat! :) Chaiyok2...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Energetic Aliya!

Aliya dok panjat sana, dok panjat sini, dok panjat katil, panjat kotak, panjat mama, panjat papa! Lately tersangat letih jaga Aliya yang sangat aktif ni...hehhe macam mana la Ma jaga kami ramai2 dulu, huhu terima Ma di atas segalanya, tak terbalas jasa Ma. Ma membesarkan kami dengan baik sekali. Semoga Ma berada dalam rahmat Allah sentiasa. Love you bunch! :)

Kawan: Jangan bergaduh terlalu lama!

Di alam universiti, saya mengalami pelbagai pengalaman berkawan, bermula di matrikulasi lagi bahkan di sekolah pon, pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan menimpa, betullah kata orang, kalau nak berkawan, pilih yang baik-baik dan beringat2 bila berkawan. Kawan ni boleh menghanyutkan kita dan dalam masa sama kawan ni boleh membawa kita ke jalan kebaikan, so, kawan bagaimana yang anda ada sekarang?

Kita biasa lalui dan dengar, dua kawan baik, sekarang ni boleh lah sebut as BFF, tiba2 terputus hubungan disebabkan salah faham, gaduh kecil, disebabkan lelaki pun ada. Biasanya benda2 camni melibatkan kaum perempuan, bukannya lelaki tu takde, tapi kebanyakkan berlalu di kalangan hawa. So ini beberapa tips ingin saya kongsikan:
  • Masa bukan segalanya, jangan bazirkan masa untuk meminta maaf.
  • kalau asyik tertanya, "dia sudi ke kawan ngan aku balik", "malulah nanti kalau dia tak nak kawan lagi", "dia yang salah buat apa yang minta maaf dulu!", dan jika dua2 pihak pon dok fikir camni, susah lah, sampai bebila pon tak berbaik semula, so, tak jatuh pon ego kalau minta maaf.. minta maaf, keputusan nya terserah lah, tak rugi rasanya kalau mencuba.
  • Dalam Islam pon tidak digalakkan untuk bersengketa lelama, paling2 pun 3 hari, kalau dah sampai 3 tahun? ermmm
  • Kalau tak berkawan baik macam dulu pon, at least tak bergaduh sesama sendiri, nanti, kot2 anak2 kita sama2 berkawan, tak kan nak terus bermasam muka?
  • Minta maaf ikut cara masaing2lah, kalau segan, msg kut hp or email pon ok, yang penting kita mencuba...
  • for me, hidup ini sangat singkat untuk dibazirkan..jangan lengahkan untuk meminta maaf dengan kawan2 anda, keluarga atau pasangan anda, ingat! masa bukan segalanya...

Saya menulis berdasarkan pengalaman sebelum ini, saya dan kawan2 membazir masa selama 3,4 tahun tak bertegur sape sebab selisih faham, tapi sebenarnya dalam hati masing nak berkawan dan berbaik semula, tapi masing2 asyik dok pendam dan tak berani nak mulakan maaf dulu.

Minta maaf! :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy father's day, Papa

Papa's face was burned badly after he came home from his field trip last weekend. Papa worked really hard to finish his school.

Diharapkan segala urusan kita dipermudahkan Allah.
Selamat maju jaya, kami sayang Papa! :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer make me FAT!

  • I must admit that I'm fat now compared with last spring season. I gained few pounds already, huhuhu. I blame my eat-night habit for these 2 weeks.

  • Exercise is a good practice to reduce my weight, and I don't have opportunity to do so yet. My husband is very busy with his lab and field works. Summer is a good time to plant his rice. What a dilemma!

Notes: We visited corn field this evening. The place is about 15 minutes from our apartment. I'm so excited when I saw windmills all over the places. Nice view with a bright and lovely day make me so calmed!

Aliya's white foam board photo-shoot

  • I bought 2 pieces white foam board from Hobby Lobby stall. The price is so cheap if compared with others stall.
  • Aliya is 6 months and 3 weeks old today. She managed to sit by herself. Huh, Aliya sudah besar!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mat Saleh tanam padi!

USA rice field that look similar as at Sabak Bernam.

  • Alhamdulillah, Papa safely arrived home this afternoon. :) I nearly not recognize bold and burned Papa! Aliya seems so happy when Papa hold her. We really missed Papa so much. Papa went to Missouri for 4 days.
  • Below is Chase photo transplanting rice at rice field. Chase is one of Papa's friend that accompany Papa to Missouri.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Mushroom soup

Thanks to Kak Ja for this recipe. I love mushroom soup so much. Since my husband is not around, I manage to eat this soup for threee days straight. hahha.

*Sorry for those who can't understand this recipe. I don't have time to translate it to English language..

  • 1 kilo kentang (6-7biji)
  • 1 tin cendawan butang (1/2 dihiris halus, 1/2 direbus bersama kentang)
  • 3 biji bawang besar-cincang halus
  • 5ulas bawang putih- cincang halus
  • 1/2 tin susu cair (boleh kurang atau tambah untuk kadar lemak)
  • Serbuk lada hitam
  • butter
  • air untuk merebus
  • Cairkan butter dan tumis bawangputih dan bawang besar sehingga layu dan wangi.
  • Rebus kentang dan mushroom sehingga empuk, tutup api then keluarkan semua bahan rebusan.
  • air rebusan digunakan sebagai stok kentang dan mushroom
  • blend kentang, mushroom, dan bawang2 yang digoreng (sehingga lumat)
  • Masukkan semua bahan blend ke dalam stok rebusan tadi
  • masukkan garam dan serbuk lada hitam
  • masukkan susu secukupnya untuk melemakkan sup.
  • didih sehingga pekat.
  • Makan dengan garlic bread ! :)
(Hidangan ni untuk 7-8orang)

Papa + Paddy Field

Mama hope papa can manage to plant all the paddy today and then he can come home as soon as possible. Perhaps Mama and Aliya can meet Papa tomorrow morning. Safely home Papa!

Papa went to Missouri last Wednesday for his field trip. He went with Chase. They drove about 15 hours to reach there. How far the place is it!

Notes: Ngah tengok game german and serbia, huh sokong german skit2, napelah susah sangat nak gol ni,! penalti pon tak gol..ish ish ish

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hey guys: How to propose a girl for the first time

Love is beautiful. Beautiful love turns to a happy ending story if we met the right person. If you think she is the right girl for you, then make your first step! These are some tips that I experienced before I got married...enjoy

  1. KIS : KEEP IT SIMPLE. ~ express you true feeling with a good manner and simple words. Perhaps you can say, "I really like you when we first met. Can I know you more than just a friend?" ... Kalau dia menolak, ucap terima kasih sebab mengenali dia adalah satu yang istimewa, diharap dapat terus berkawan. Segan dan sedih kalau si dia menolak, tapi terima dengan hati yang terbuka.
  2. Don't be too pushy, just be cool although your heart was trembling. If she say NO, just accept it with an opened heart. And if she say YES, maybe you can send a Thank You card with red roses. Remember, be patience!!
  3. Give her some times to think.
  4. Be honest. Jangan tipu2 tentang diri untuk menutup keburukan or so what ever. tapi jangan la terus tunjuk keburukan or sifat2 yang tak manis, lain2 waktu cubalah perbaiki diri...
  5. Jangan marah dan salahkan si dia kalau tak jadi seperti yang diharapkan. Be a gentlemen, berundur dengan baik, maybe, dia suka ngan attitude kita walau tak cintakan kita, then dia akan propose kita kat kawan2 or family dia ke? who know??

Last but not least, just being you. You will know she is the one if the times come.

Niat yang baik dengan DOA, TAWAKAL, YAKIN dan USAHA, insyaAllah dipermudahkan jalan. Good luck!

Notes: pengalaman ni apa yang dirasai secara peribadi sebelum ni. Pengalaman yang diambil dari kawan2, dan orang sekeliling.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Simple chicken nugget

I fried this chicken nugget for a few time already. For me it is simple and delicious too. Since we can't buy any chicken nugget here, we tried to make it by ourself. :) Enjoy the recipe.
(modified from myresipi.com)
  1. Cut the boneless chicken to small pieces.
  2. Marinate it with salt and black pepper.
  3. Dip each piece of chicken, first with flour, then with egg.
  4. Lastly, fry it.
  5. Notes: If you want crunchy chicken nugget, rolled over the pieces with crumpled cornflakes.

Aliya + boxes

Aliya was surrounded by boxes to avoid her from crawling to the carpet. We believed that the carpet cause her eczema.

Besides, we don't want her to crawl to unsafe places that can harm her.

Notes: Sekarang ni ngah tengok World Cup. Tak sokong mana2 pon, hahha esp cam kalah ni, memang kalah kot, dah nak habis masa dah... Shaq plak outstation for 4-5days...huhuu he went to Misourri this morning to plant his paddy there! I hope evrything will be fine.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Aliya + climbing

Mama and Papa put Aliya at her crib while we prayed.

Aliya tried to climb over her crib. She pulled her body up by putting her hands at the crib gate. Luckily she not fell down. Alhamduillah.

Mengarang sajaklah pulak!

Haha last night I can't sleep, so suddenly I was inspired to write poems.
The silent of night make my" pena" wrote something nice.

Feel free to visit my new photo-poetry blog here name as "Sajak azali"!

The idea to create photo-poetry blog comes from Azalia Suhaimi photo-poetry blog. Her poems were far away good compared than mine.

Nice words with a good rhythms is beautiful.
read it or leave it! :)

Notes: Miss my 'azali' so much, and miss the rest too! Do you missed me?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kami di USA

Notes: BM version :), sorry to anyone who don't understand BM...Have a good day!

Apa yang lain di USA bila dibandingkan dengan cara hidup kami di Malaysia?

Intro: Kami menetap di sini dah setahun dah, macam2 perkara yang kami lalui sepanjang kami di sini. Banyak masalah yang timbul dihadapi dengan hati yang sabar. Dengan masalah ni la kita banyak belajar tentag kehidupan.

[1] 4 musim

  • Kami berpeluang merasai hidup dalam negara yang 4 musim!

  • mula2 kami datang setahun lepas, ngah musim panas, tapi masa tu, rasa sejuk sampai buatkan kami menggigil2, hehhe siap pakai jacket yang tebal2.. segan aje ngan mat saleh, diaorang pakai tshirt n seluar pendek aje, hahha

  • Bila mula2 merasai salji tu, memang excited sangat. Kebetulan salji turun masa aliya lahir, pas pantang baru boleh main2, tu pon main kejap aje sebab segan takde orang lain yang join, hehhe Musim sejuk membuatkan kami dok kat umah ajela, nak kuar ngan kete bahaya, jalan licin, waktu siang pon pendek aje, subuh lambat then isyak seawal 6petang, apa lagi memang waktu berhibernasi aje la... :)

  • Musim bunga dan luruh kejap aje, tak banyak dapat kuar umah sebab selalu gak hujan...Musim yang paling ditunggu2, musim panas, sekarang la ni, start bulan 5... bunga2 pon banyak , panas dan waktu siang yang panjang, memang sesuai untuk jejalan...lagipon musim panas lah rasa cam kat malaysia skit..hehhe kat sini walaupon panas, tapi angin dia sejuk....kalau sejuk2 tu, kami dah dapat biasakan diri dah skang ni, alhamdulillah.

[2] Waktu sembahyang

  • Waktu solat kat sini memang selalu berubah2 ikut musim, waktu sejuk subuh lambat then isyak cepat, macam skang ni, musim panas, so, subuh cepat (kul 3pagi) then isyak memang lambat, kul 11malam! Best jugak dapat merasai waktu yang pelbagai ni... :)

[3] Makanan

  • Makan kat sini susah sikit, sikit aje susah, kalau memang tak memilih sangat tu memang takde masalah.. Kat sini pon kami makan nasi, lauk2 masak, pastu kebetulan ada kedai Vietnam yang ada juga jual barang2 halal, dari Malaysia dan Indonesia... Alhamdulillah sangat.

  • Kalau memang teringin nak makan kat fast food or restaurant memang tak merasalah, kecuali kami boleh makan pizza hut, tu pon satu jenis pizza aje yang halal, ni pon kira ok sangat. Kat sini memang banyak sangat kedai fast food..

  • Telur ayam kat sini kaler putih tak macam kat malaysia, kaler koko, hehhe...

  • Sayur-sayuran kat sini pon berlainan, cili pon susah nak dapatkan yang kaler merah, asyik2 hijau aje....jalepeno! Apapon makan kat sini, kami ok je setakat ni, Alhamdulillah, masih dikurniakan rezeki dari Allah.

  • A ah, orang kat sini memang minum air bergas banyak, kalau kami g supermarket, memang berkarton2 diaorang beli air gas..

[4] Orang

  • For sure lah orang kat sini mat saleh, hehhe setakat kami tinggal kat sini, penduduk kat sini ramah2 aje, takde masalah sangat macam bandar besar USA, yang ada kes pulau orang2 Islam, Alhamdulillah, kami dijauhi dengan perkara2 camni, dan harap sangat takkan ada masalah di masa depan.

  • Orang Islam kat sini, rata2 ngan datang bekerja dan student kat South Dakota State University, kalau local tu , ada satu family yang kami jumpa, mat saleh beragama Islam :). Kalau tak ramai Muslim dari negara Bangladesh, Mesir, Arab.

Apapon perbezaan yang kami rasa kat sini, hati tetap di Malaysia, hehhe rindu yang amat kat Ma, keluarga dan kawan2 memang tak tertanggung, hanya dengan sabar kami dapat bertahan. Alhamdulillah atas segala yang diberikan Allah. :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kami sepanjang minggu ni....

  • I have no plan for outdoors outing this weekend. Papa only want to stay at home because the world cup fever has just started!
  • I decided to cook Nasi Kerabu today. Then I realize that we had port luck this afternoon at Surau. So, If there any chance, I will cook the Nasi Kerabu tomorrow. I have craving to eat this nasi for along time.
  • In these few days, nothing much happens to us. I spent almost my time at home. The weather is not good, rainy and wet.
  • Last Monday and Tuesday, I manage to sew a green cute blouse. I took the pattern from this link. This blouse was very easy to make but it was very complicated to measure (Maybe I don't have any experience before).
  • Aliya is in good health and I really hope she is fine after she fell from our mattress yesterday! So far she looks okay.

Notes: We are looking forward for England and USA game this afternoon. Papa seems to be England fan so do I. Go England go!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A day with my Canon

  • Last Sunday, we went to Mc' Crory Garden. It has been a while because I was very busy finishing my sewing project. I really miss the garden so much.
  • I took this opportunity to take various beautiful flowers with my Canon camera. My photography technique seems to be a little bit off. Sewing make my shooting skills rusty. Huhu
  • Thanks to Papa for accompanying me although it was only for 15 minutes. Aliya limited my movement but I still felt very happy that day!

Notes: [1] Check out my Photoblog for my new photos. :)

[2] I started my new sewing project's today. I will let you know soon when it is done. :) I can't wait to see the result!!


  • We went to Sioux Falls last Tuesday to meet Dr. Wanna, Aliya's dermatologist at Avera Dermatology & Laser Center. The dermatologists are specialize in the health and diseases of skin, hair and nails.
  • Dr. Wanna took some skin cell for bacteria test.
  • The doctor said, Aliya's eczema is normal but need to take care properly before it getting worse. She gave a prescription for eczema cream and recommend a bath soap for sensitive skin.
  • Aliya's face look much better after 3 days when we put the cream and bathing Aliya with slimy bath soap. Alhamdulillah. We hope Aliya will get well soon.
  • Thanks for your praying. Alhamdulillah. :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

My first handmade "baju kurung"

I spend about one month to finish my messy stitches Baju Kurung. I sew it without using sewing machine...hahha I hope it will last long and the stitches not loose.

Introduction to Baju kurung

Baju Kurung is the traditional dress for the Muslim ladies in Malaysia.It is simple and graceful,and covers most part of the wearer's body in complaince of the Islamic teaching.

While maintaining its simplicity in cutting,the varities of colour and designs are amazingly wide.
Malaysian office ladies,including Muslims, wear western dresses to work, the baju kurung is reserved for special occassions like festivals,weddings and official functions.

However,they will go to the office in Baju Kurung on Fridyas,some non Muslim ladies like Chinese and Indians do the same too; for the simple reason that it is graceful and comfy.Therefore don't assume that a lady in baju kurung is a always a Muslim.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

We will moving out soon...

We will moving out from our current apartment to university's family housing on the end of July... Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah for everything we got.

We wait for a year to get the house. We hope everything will be fine.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Here comes summer, make me warmer!

Hot and bright summer has come! The weather is so warm, lucky for us because the breezy winds can cold us down.

Below are some photos taken at Falls Park. The hot weather make us uncomfortable and sweaty.

Seasonal changes

Have you ever wondered why you wake up and see snow on the ground one morning and then beautiful blooming another morning?

The reason that you do not see the same weather conditions every day is because the Earth has seasons.

Fun Facts about four seasons:

  • Spring time is a green time, when seedlings start their growing. (March to May).
  • Summer time is a rainbow time, when many blooms are blowing. (May to September).
  • Autumn time is a brown time, when seeds are ripe for sowing. (September to November).
  • Winter time is a white time, when starts of frost are glowing! (November to March).

Fun fact about Mushroom

I love to eat mushroom so much. It is simple to cook and it does taste good.

Did you know...

Mushroom have their own taste, not sweet, sour, bitter or salty but it taste called as UMAMI. This fifth taste was discovered in 1906 at Tokyo, Japan.

UMAMI characteristics:

  • Softens sour, masks bitter, extends finish, improves palatability, triggers salivations, and contribute to mouth feel, creates sense of well being.
Mushroom contain a rich mixture of natural compounds such as glutamate, free nucleic (amino), acid and ribonucleotides that contributes to that savory umami taste sensation.

In general, the more mature a food, the higher its level of free amino acids and it will higher the umami rating.


• Mushrooms have been successfully used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat many different types of health conditions. Western science and medicine are finally beginning to recognize and utilize some of the medicinally active compounds in mushrooms and elucidate their modes of action.

• Just like humans, Mushrooms can produce Vitamin D upon exposure to sunlight and UV radiation. UV light is utilized in the production of these mushrooms. For example, a four-ounce (112 grams) serving of Maitake mushrooms produced by the Hokto-patented methodology contains 85% of the Daily RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for Vitamin D. Many people today are deficient in Vitamin D and there is evidence that Vitamin D deficiencies may be linked to cancer and other disease states.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Aliya is 6 months old today

6 months baby development!
(Ages and stages book for South Dakota Children)
  • Sits with assistance or may sit alone
  • Reaches for and grasps toys with one hand
  • Can eat solid food from a spoon
  • Former cooing now sounds like clear voicing or several syllables
  • Talks to toys
  • May try to imitate adult behaviors (if an adult coos, the baby may coo back)
  • Turns her head toward sounds or to an adult when they are talking to him
  • Enjoys being sociable- laughs
  • Feel happy, sad or uncomfortable
  • Reaches out to be picked up

Is it necessary BLUE is for boys and PINK is for girls?

This image was taken here

  • I love blue color. I wore blue dresses on my engagement and wedding day. My husband is a blue lover's too!
  • Since I have Aliya, I bought pink clothes for her because she is a girl. Sometimes I mixed up with blue and other color's too.
  • When I put blue outfits on her, everyone who we met at Walmart will called her with name as 'little guy' instead of 'little princess' when she wearing pink dresses.

Aliya with blue outfits. We bought her a pink hat to show that she is a baby girl!
This photo was taken at Avera Clinic this morning. Aliya had her 3rd immune shots today.

    Why is the Color Blue Used For Boys and Pink for Girls?

    About the reason why the color blue is used for boys and pink for girls, history of the tradition.


    • Why Is the Color Blue Used for Boys and Pink for Girls? Since babies look alike, it was long ago decided to identify their sexes through use of different colors.
    • In ancient times, it was believed that evil spirits menaced the well-being of infants.
    • It was also believed that evil spirits were allergic to certain colors, especially to blue.
    • According to Dr. Brasch: "It was considered that the association of blue with the heavenly sky rendered satanic forces powerless and drove them away.
    • Even in our own time Arabs in the Middle East continue to paint the doors of their homes blue to frighten away demons.
    • Thus, the display of blue on a young child was not merely an adornment but a necessary precaution."

    On the other hand, since female babies were considered inferior, it was felt they required no special color to protect them. In later times, parents became very much-conscious of the neglect of girls and introduced for them the new "pink" look.