"Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my Blog. All the photos were taken by me, unless indicated otherwise. You can use or reproduce certain contents and images (except for personal notes/ journals) for personal use only."

Blog's quote: Biarlah apa yang ditulis memberi manfaat untuk yang lain, insyaAllah.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A visit to Siouxland Heritage Museum: Old Courthouse Museum

  • We went to Siouxland Heritage Museum, Sioux Falls. Today's weather is good but it is too hot. Enjoy the photos below:
The entrance
Underwear brief history! haha what an interesting exhibition. :p
    Hot Air exhibition.

      • We stayed there for about 20 minutes. The hot weather make us so thirsty and tired. haha

        Aliya's sun-bath

        • Doctor Sergev suggested us to sun-bath Aliya once a day for one minute to reduce the eczema effect on her face and her body.
        • After 6 pm everyday Papa carries Aliya in front of our apartment to expose her with sunlight.
        • Aliya seems very enjoyed when we bring her outside :) .

        Precautions During Sun Baths

        Usually, by the time the physicians are advising sun baths, the only eye precaution that need be taken during exposure is to have the child's feet directed away from the sun. While lying in this passion morning or afternoon, the rays of sunlight will not pass directly through the pupil to the center of the retina, that part of the inside of the eyeball concerned with sharp vision.

        As a rule, the baby more than a month old or any young child will close the eyes if the light is too strong, or will indicate by restlessness or by crying, if any eye discomfort or irritation is produced. Generally speaking, the health value of the sunlight bath far outweighs any possible danger to eyes or vision.

        Substitute an electric lamp for the sunbath only upon the advice of your physician. Serious damage to baby's tender eyes and skin may be the result of improper use of these devices.

        Article Source: http://www.PopularArticles.com/article154504.html

        Friday, May 28, 2010

        How to Avoid the Baby Sleep Mistakes Parents Often Make

        (Source: http://www.babydevelopmentnews.com/babysleep.html)

        If baby sleep was an exact science, we'd probably all find parenting a whole lot easier.

        1 month old baby sleeping

        Unfortunately, there's no rule book and what works for one baby doesn't always for another. When it comes to bedtime, however, there are somevery common mistakes that parents – especially – new ones make. Some of the most common mistakes simply create bad habits for the baby down the road, but others can be downright dangerous.

        Of course, there are also things we know that work. And many parents confirmed this.

        Well, I've compiled a 6-day mini-course "Your Baby Can Sleep Through the Night... Every Night" to capture some practical, proven ways for getting getting your baby to sleep. It's free. Click here, to see what's covered.

        Safety Mistakes To Avoid

        In their haste and even desperation to catch a few winks of sleep themselves, many new parents often overlook basic safety rules. The mistakes to avoid in this category are worth paying attention to. Unfortunately, sometimes a baby's life depends on the right steps being taken.

        4 Common Bedtime Mistakes to Avoid

        • Putting her down on her stomach or side. It is incredibly tempting to do this, especially if a baby has a particular aversion to sleeping on her back. With Sudden Infant Death Syndrome so heavily correlated to side and stomach sleeping positions, it is just not worth taking this risk. Use a baby sleep positioner to ensure she's safe and consider finding other alternatives to help her rest right if she's having trouble in the back-only position.

        • Putting her in bed with Mom and Dad. Oh, this one is ever so tempting. It can be incredibly hard to put a baby down in her own crib or bassinette. This is especially the case if you know she's only going to wake up in an hour or two anyway. Still, this is a very dangerous choice to make – especially for a newborn. Everything from your blankets and pillows to your own body create major threats for a baby who cannot yet roll over. Think very carefully about the risks involved in this before moving forward.

        • Leaving her where she lies. Again, this is rather tempting when sleep has been erratic for weeks on end. Still, if baby falls asleep on the floor, the couch or another unsafe spot, leaving her is not a good idea. It is possible for someone else in the home not to notice her. It's also possible she'll roll off or over. If she falls asleep in her swing, car seat, bouncy seat or play pen, that's another story. Do not, however, leave her where she's unprotected.

        • Not reading labels. Every stitch of nighttime clothing and bedding should be inspected at the label. These items should be flame retardant. Make sure you know exactly what is going on a baby at night and in her crib to avoid a mistake that has no turning back point.

        Thursday, May 27, 2010

        Happy 27th birthday Papa!

        Papa's 27th birthday is today, 27th May. All the best papa! :)

        We had a great time yesterday at Brookings Lake! We went to fish and we got 6 catfishes.

        Monday, May 24, 2010

        Brookings High School Graduation Day

        We attended our friend's graduation day at Swiftel Center yesterday. This is our first and maybe last experience to see the high school graduation day here.

        Saturday, May 22, 2010


        We went fishing yesterday at Brookings Fishing Lake. The lake is very beautiful that I hearted so much. This is our second time fishing here...hahha and we didn't get any fish. Any tips anyone?

        Below are some photos for our fishing trip.

        Beautiful lake isn't?

        Papa preparing the fishing stick

        Aliya is waiting on her stroller.

        Notes: We paid $25 for the fishing license.

        Wednesday, May 19, 2010

        Aliya + skin problem

        Pity Aliya. Aliya's skin rashes or eczema doesn't get better. The rashes seem to be very itchy and she always scratch her face. The skin rash cream is not working anymore. We plan to see Dr. Turner on Monday since Dr. Turner is not available in these few days.

        Eczema news update: A study published in the May 2009 issue of Pediatricstested treatments on kids with eczema ages 6 months to 17 years. They found that soaking for five to ten minutes twice a week in a diluted bleach bath (1/2 cup bleach per full standard-size tub) was five times more effective at treating eczema than plain water (used by the placebo group). The improvement was so dramatic that researchers stopped the study early to allow children in the placebo group to get relief with the method. Try it! (But ask your child's doctor first.)

        Taking good care of your baby's skin is crucial. Here are some tips:

        • Try to keep your baby's skin from becoming too dry. Talk with her doctor about how often to bathe her. Many experts now believe that daily bathing can be helpful for babies with eczema. Just don't make the water too warm, because very warm water dries out the skin faster than lukewarm water.

        • Use a mild soap, and wash and shampoo your baby at the end of her bath so she isn't sitting in soapy water. As soon as you get your baby out of the tub, pat her skin dry (don't rub), then promptly apply a liberal amount of moisturizer or emollient — an ointment, cream, or lotion that "seals in" the body's own moisture.

        • "I recommend emollients for children of all ages," says Michael Smith, associate professor of medicine and pediatrics in the division of dermatology at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville. Smith suggests trying an emollient for a short period of time to see whether it makes a difference and continuing it if it does.

        • Allow your baby's skin to breathe (and not become overheated) by dressing her in smooth natural fabrics, like cotton. Avoid wool and other scratchy materials, which can irritate her very sensitive skin.

        • Switch to mild, fragrance-free soaps and shampoos, or those made for sensitive skin. Use mild, fragrance-free detergent for washing your baby's clothes and bedding. Avoid fabric softeners.

        • Rapid changes in temperature can make eczema worse, so try not to let your baby get too hot and then cool quickly, or vice versa.

        • Help your baby avoid scratching. She may try to get relief by scratching with her hands or by rubbing her face against the sheet when she sleeps. But scratching and rubbing can further irritate or inflame her skin and make matters much worse.

        • Use the softest sheets possible in her crib, and keep her nails short. Put her to bed with cotton mittens or socks on her hands, if she'll tolerate them.

        • During a flare-up, you can try applying cool compresses to the area several times a day, followed by a moisturizer.

        Saturday, May 15, 2010

        Baby Walker!

        Aliya is 5 months and 2 weeks olds now. Last few days, I used baby walker to feed Aliya. When I posted Aliya's photos in her baby walker in the previous entry, there are some comments and issues regarding the usage of baby walker.

        My mom and my sisters advice me not to use the walker for Aliya yet because the baby who can't sit up by her own will have some negative impact for the baby growth especially on the back bone. So, I have decided not to use the baby walker until my baby is ready.

        Below are some informations about baby walker:

        "What's the most dangerous form of transportation on earth? Believe it or not, it's the baby walker and your child could be its next victim.

        This was revealed by the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics which are both calling for a ban on the manufacture and sale of mobile baby walkers that are responsible for over 25,000 child injuries in the United States each year." ~ read more here

        "Nearly 25% of all injuries sustained by a baby walker are to the head and that includes fractures. The two most common ways baby injuries happen are from falling down stairs and having scalding liquids spilt on them. In those two cases the injuries are usually severe." ~read more here

        Be careful! The right thing is consider the goods and bads to make a choice that is best for you and your baby.

        Notes: Thanks to ma, kak wani and kak ni... :)

        Friday, May 14, 2010

        Aliya with her 'helmet'...hehe

        This is first Aliya's felt hat and it was made by mama... :)

        Nutrition: Frozen assets

        The Oprah Magazine

        The best tools for eating more nutritiously and saving money!


        Freeze the whole bread rather than sliced
        • reducing the exposed surface area will prevent the bread from drying out. Best used within a month.


        Blanch vegetables like broccoli and spinach in boiling water, then freeze in plastic bags
        • Blanching stops enzyme reactions and preserves flavor, color and texture.

        Meat/ fish:

        To avoid freezer burn, vacuum-seal your food-filled freezer bag by placing it in a large pot of water. Submerge all but the top of the bag, squeeze out the air, and close the bag.
        • The water acts as a natural vacuum, forcing air out the top.


        Storing pantry basics like rice in your icebox could save MONEY.
        • That's because freezers work more efficiently when they are full- solids stay longer than gases.

        (Source: The Oprah Magazine, February 2010)

        Monday, May 10, 2010


        We grilled satay on Sunday! :) The satay turn out good and yummylicious!. We took the recipe from myresipi.com as below:

        Ingredients (20 sticks or more):

        • 500g daging (hiris memanjang dan nipis)
        • 500g isi ayam (hiris memanjang dan nipis)

        Bahan perap:

        • 2 batang serai
        • 1/2 inci halia
        • 1/2 inci lengkuas
        • 1/2 cawan jintan manis
        • 1/2 cawan jintan putih
        • 1/2 cawan gula
        • Garam, serbuk kunyit dan air secukupnya
        • 4 sudu besar sos tiram
        • 4 sudu besar kicap pekat
        • 4 ulas bawang putih
        • 4 ulas bawang merah
        • 5 sudu besar minyak masak


        Kisar kesemua bahan perap hingga halus. Kemudian perapkan daging dan ayam di dalam bekas yang berasingan selama 2 jam. Kemudian kelimkan pada lidi, dan dibakar sehingga masak.

        Notes: memang sedap!

        Aliya & Papa

        Aliya yang setia menunggu kat walker baru dia, huh kaki aliya tak dapat jejak lagi..so, dia takleh nak gerak2 pon...walker tinggi sangat...

        Papa la jadi tukang satay! Tukang kibas smoke detector pon ye jugak hehhe. Cam ni la, nak grill kat luar takde tempat, so grill kat dapur, so asap berkepul kat rumah, bunyi la smoke detector to, satu apartment bising, hehhe nasibla labu... :) Maaf ye jiran2.

        Nasi impit mama punya, satay papa yang punya, hehhe satay yang papa buat sedap, Alhamdulillah, rezeki hari minggu. :)

        Weekend yang best!

        First of all, Mama, Papa and Aliya want to wish Ma Happy Mother's Day! We love you very much Ma/ nenek. :)

        On Saturday, we went to Sioux Falls. Sioux Falls is the biggest town in South Dakota and located about 70km from Brookings. The purposes we went there are to buy groceries and to buy Aliya's walker. Besides that, we visited Washington Pavilion Art & Science Exhibition. We really had a great day there.

        Below are the photos for Saturday activities, enjoy!

        Aliya buat rekod kali ni, biasanya dia tido sepanjang perjalanan ke mana2 saje, kali ni dia jaga dengan muka boring dan dok membebel2 hehhehhe
        Hari Sabtu tu cerah sangat, awan banyak memang sangat menenangkan, Subhanallah.
        Ni dah sampai Once Upon A child, tempat nak beli barang2 baby yang 2nd hand...tengok2 harga, still mahal jugak, baru ingat nak berjimat, tup2 belikan Aliya Baby Snugger aje, gambar yang di bawah.
        Kali pertama Aliya dok kat Baby Snugger! Ni kat parking kat Washington Pavilion.

        Saturday, May 8, 2010

        We off to Sioux Falls

        For the second time we will visit Sioux Falls! Mama want to shop groceries there! Can't wait to buy durian and lemon grass.

        Thursday, May 6, 2010

        Felt Baby Shoes

        Aliya got her first felt shoes today, hahha and it made by mama. This is mama's first project for baby shoes and it's not good enough. I referred the baby-shoes tutorial by Martha Stewart here! Enjoy the photos below:

        Jahitan tak berapa kemas lagi, kena improve banyak lagi ni...
        Aliya's photo for this evening.
        Mode: Miss nenek, lama rasanya tak call Ma..hari minggu kalau ada rezeki :)

        Notes: Alhamdulillah, Papa finished his final exam this morning. Mama hope papa will get a good result. Good Luck papa!

        Tuesday, May 4, 2010

        My first felt craft project!

        *This is my first felt craft project. If I have opportunity, I want to sell my felt craft soon. hehhe Any comment? :)

        Soft toys
        I made these toys for Aliya.

        Key chains
        Turtles, Strawberry, worm and book key chains.

        Refrigerator magnets
        Little penguins.


        In this few days, Aliya like to play with her feet. She also has lots of energy to roll all over the place.

        Monday, May 3, 2010

        Pengalaman melahirkan Aliya di Brookings, SD, USA

        This is my baby Aliya Samirah. She was born on Dec 1st, 2009 at Brookings Hospital. It took me 28 hours in labor room before delivery. It was a wonderful experience yet painful :).
        1st day measurement: * weight: 3.6kg, * length: 19.5 inch

        Aliya dilahirkan pada December 1, 2009, lebih kurang 5 bulan yang lepas. Cepatnya masa berlalu, rasa macam baru2 aje menlahirkan Aliya. Alhamdulillah, perjalanan kami untuk menjaga dan menguruskan Aliya dipermudahkan Allah walaupun tanpa Ma sayang, ahli keluarga dan teman di sisi.

        Due date untuk bayi lahir adalah 27/11/2009, tapi Aliya takmo2 kuar, dan tanda2 pon takde…perut dah makin membesar, dan tak larat dah nak berjalan. Masa akhir2 nak beranak ni memang meletihkan, asyik2 kencing setiap minit. Doktor kata bila bayi besar, dia akan menolak pundi kencing mama sampaikan setiap masa pon akan ke tandas, normallah ni.

        Last medical check-up ngan doctor pada 25/11/2009. Doktor kata, kalau tanda2 untuk melahirkan anak masih takde, so, doctor setkan tarikh untuk melahirkan Aliya iaitu 30hb November (beranak paksa la ni). Tunggu punya tunggu memang takde tanda sakit or contraction pon, water break sah2 la tak de jugak kan, hehhe.

        FYI: “Labor contraction tu adalah rasa sakit nak beranak, akan rasa lebih kerap bila masa bayi nak kuar tu dah dekat, kadang2 tu dalam seminggu sebelum beranak rasa sikit2, bila dah dekat rasa sakit dan tarikan pada rahim makin kuat, so masa ni kena cepat2 la pegi hospital! Rasanya macam nak buang air besar pon ada rasa macam sakit senggugut pon ada, memang menyakitkan.”

        Mama disuruh oleh doctor untuk masuk wad pada 29hb November malam, iaitu hari Ahad.

        29 Noverber 2009:
        Masuk dan register kat wad OB bilik A lebih kurang kul 7 malam. Bilik besar, ada TV, ada toilet, kerusi tido ada 3. Sampai2 aje nurse perkenalkan diri, bagi info pasal nak beranak, dan bagi borang2 yang perlu diisi dan di tandatangan…huh banyak sungguh borang2 kena isi, pasal bayi, pasal peraturan hospital, pasal insurance dan pelbagai lagi, tapi ni keje papa lah..hehhe

        Malam tu ada dua nurse yang jaga, kebetulan pulak masa mama nak melahirkan Aliya tu, takde orang lain pon yang nak beranak kat situ, so, nurse dan doctor memang focus kat mama ajela. Nurse2 ni ditugaskan untuk jaga mama sorang dan sorang nurse lagi bersiap sedia untuk Aliya.

        Kul 8, Doktor mama iaitu dr. Gudvagen datang bertanya khabar. Suka ngan doctor ni sebab dia baik sangat, dia dah tua sikit, dah ada cucu rasanya… Caring dan baik hati.

        Kul 8.30 nurse bagi ubat induce pertama, ubat ni sebagai pemangkin untuk mempercepatkan process untuk bayi lahir. Pastu masa ni la nurse taruk heart bit detector kat sekeliling perut…huh sampai gatal2 perut hehhe. Pastu, dapat dengar denyutan jantung Aliya, rasa cam lega sangat tau Aliya normal dan sihat seadanya.

        Lepas nurse bagi ubat, mama cuba tido, dan rehatkan badan sebab nanti nak beranak kena guna tenaga banyak nurse kata. Tapi still tak boleh nak lelap sangat, setiap minit pon g toilet, kena angkut wayar2 yang bersambung kat perut, huh seksa sungguh, nasib baik ada papa dan nurse yang tolong pimpin mama g toilet, hehe. Sambil2 nak tido tu ada plak nurse datang nak check bukaan servik, katanya kepala bayi masih jauh kebelakang, bukaan tu dah terbuka 2-3 inch dah, tapi bayi tak mo2 jugak turun bawah.

        30 November 2009:
        Kul 12.30pagi, nurse bagi ubat induce yang ke-2..setiap 4 jam sekali ubat akan diberikan. Papa balik umah jap untuk amik barang2. Jarak rumah hanya 10minit dari Hospital Brookings. Errmmm keadaan mama still cam biasa, tak rasa sakit perut pon, kalau sakit pon sebab lapa..hehhe pastu minta biskut n air jus dari nurse untuk alas perut.

        Kul 4.30 pagi nurse bagi ubat yang ke-3, keadaan still sama, adalah bleeding skit2 tapi tak ketara sangat. Pastu mama tido dengan nyenyak sebab dan letih sangat, tu pon 2 jam tido, samapi kul 6 pagi. Kul 7.30 pagi doctor datang check perut. Kata doctor, kul 8.30pagi, nurse bagi ubat yang ke-4, tak de tanda2 nak beranak jugak, nurse bagi plak ubat yang kuat skit . Keadaan still sama sampai kan kul 1. Memang penat dan letih sangat menunggu Aliya. Kul 1.15pm, water break by force! (doctor yang pecahkan), pastu, nurse dah taruk wayar dari pundi kencing, so, pasni takyah g toilet lagi untuk kencing….hehhe senang

        Pastu air ketuban terus keluar, sakit pon rasa dah, sikit2 lama2 makin sakit, keadaan berlarutan sampailah bayi mau keluar, iaitu dalam keadaan labor constraction lebih kurang 12jam. Huh memang dugaan, menahan sakit sampai terketar2 badan…Alhamdulillah, sakitnya boleh ditanggung lagi…

        1 December 2009:
        Kul 12.30 pagi , 1 December 2009, doctor dan nurse bersedia nak ‘bidankan’ mama. Masa ni sakit tak tertahan, rasa tarikan pada rahim setiap 5min. Doktor dah ready, doctor kata, bila rasa sakit, tarik nafas dan push. Aliya keluar dengan smooth aje lepas 7 kali sakit dan 21kali push (setiap kali sakit kena push 3kali), doctor terus campak Aliya kat perut mama, huh mama terus menangis sebab terharu, takde perasaan dan letih yang amat, malam tu mama tak hiraukan Aliya sangat, hehhe sebab cam tak percaya ada anak,macam dalamkejutan lagi…hehhe pastu memang tido dan rehat, so, nurse dan papa yang jaga bayi. Papa terus called nenek, tok nah dan skype ngan nenek, huhuh mama masa ni memang takleh cakap or tengok nenek sebab sedih sangat sebab Ma takde kat sisi masa masa Aliya lahir… hehe

        Masa Aliya lahir tu, salji start turun, memutih kat luar, rasa nyaman dan tenang aje… J Alhamdulillah.

        2 December 2009:
        Mama dan Aliya still warded pada 2 December tu. Sepatutnya dah boleh discharge petang tu, tapi darah keluar dengan banyak, tekanan darah rendah sangat, sampaikan tak bermaya nak bangun, doctor terpaksa buat tranfusi darah, masuk darah lebih kurang 2pine. Time2 mama tak berapa nak sihat lagi ni, Aliya plak tak sihat, badan Aliya keluar bintik2 merah kecik2, doctor suspek sakit jantung, pastu, Aliya kena transfer ke Hospital Besar kat Sioux Falls, lebih kurang 1-2jam dari Hospital Brookings. Papa temankan Aliya ke sana, mama tinggal sorang2 aje kat Hospital Brookings. Nasib baik nurse ada, banyak tolong, dan mama rehat aje, sebab letih yang amat sangat, memang seharian tido…rindu pada Aliya dan papa.

        Masa ni sedih sangat pk pasal Aliya, berdoa dan berserah semuanya kepada Allah. Petang tu papa balik ke mama, tinggalkan Aliya plak sorang2 kat Hospital Sioux Falls. Huh memang dugaan sungguh buat Mama dan Papa.

        3 December 2009:
        Mama discharge dari hospital lepas lunch. Kat hospital tu makan ikan salmon bakar dan sayur, dengan penne pasta. Ni la makanan sepanjang dok hospital sebab benda2 lain takleh makan, tak halal. Papa nak balik masak tak sempat. Kesian jugak kat papa benyak benda kena uruskan sorang, tapi Alhamdulillah, segalanya ok.

        4 December 2009:
        Mama dan Papa pergi ke Hospital Sioux Falls untuk ambil Aliya.Heng, kawan papa yang tolong drive kitarang ke sana. Alhamdulillah, lepas medical checkup dari pakar kanak2, Aliya disahkan sihat. Bersyukur sangat. Aliya jumpa mama lepas 4 hari.huhuh memang rindu, katil dan tempat Aliya memang dah prepare, Alhamdulllah segala dipermudahkan.

        Terima kasih pada papa yang tolong mama sepanjang mama berpantang, papa yang masakkan, uruskan Aliya. Tugas mama menyusu aliya dan kadang2 kala tukar lampin dan bersihkan Aliya. Semua benda kena uruskan sendiri, Alhamdulillah segala urusan dipermudahkan.

        Makan masa berpantang memag tak berapa nak lalu, papa masakkan sayur kukus, dan ikan bakar setiap kali makan. Kadang2 tu papa bakarkan ayam, letak banyak black pepper (pesan dari ma). Masa berpantang ni semua benda kena berhati2, jalan pelan2 banyakkan rehat. Tapi dua minggu berpantang dah pergi ke Walmart, Ma tegur! hehhe terus stay kat umah sampai ke hari-40 berpantang..ehhehhe so, jagalah diri masa berpantang dan lepas beranak..nanti di hari tua, cepat dapat sakit pinggang dan sakit badan plak, pesan Ma.

        Pesanan: untuk sesiapa yang berjauhan dari keluarga semasa melahirkan bayi, insyaAllah, senang untuk menjaga bayi, kena banyak bersabar dan doa supaya bayi tak banyak nangis. Alhamdulillah, Aliya senang nak jaga, tak banyak nangis dan suka je sengih2. Kalau ada pape masalah pada bayi, kena terus rujuk dan contact doktor. Good luck!

        Tamat. Alhamdulillah.

        Sunday, May 2, 2010

        Aliya's first FOOD

        Yesterday evening, we gave Aliya rice for dinner. She was very excited while ate which you can see in pictures below.

        Baby's first FOOD- Getting started

        First things first - please read through the food preparation and storage guidelines for some important food safety tips.
        Don't forget to label foods as you prepare them for your baby.Make a note of the preparation date on the label, as this will help you "rotate" stored foods to ensure they are safe for your baby to eat. It's a good idea to note the contents, too - pureed foods tend to look alike and it may be important to identify a particular food later on (if your baby experiences an allergic reaction, for example).
        Ultimately, you need to ensure that you are providing healthy, balanced nutrition to your baby. With baby's first foods, though, you need to keep things simple.

        Step 1
        Pediatricians often recommend starting with a single grain cereal, like baby rice, because it isglutenfree and considered easy to digest. However... there ARE alternatives and many medical professionals are beginning to acknowledge the value of fruits, veggies... or even meat... as suitable first foods.

        Read more here -
        The Best First Food For Baby - Does it HAVE to be Baby Rice?
        If you DO choose to introduce rice first, here's a simple and nutritious recipe to make your own.
        Alternatively, you may like to try our baby oatmeal recipes.

        Step 2
        Pick a quiet time of day for baby's first meal - a time when you won't be distracted, or feel pressured. This can be easier said than done - especially if you have other young children at home. In that case, a "quiet time of day" doesn't actually exist, so you'll have to make do with "quieter than usual"! If your other children are old enough to understand, you could get them to "help" you with this historic first feed - they love being involved.

        Step 3
        You may like to take the edge off your baby's appetite by giving him about half his milk feed first or feeding him about an hour or so after breastfeeding. If he's too hungry, he'll probably end up screaming in frustration - and so will you!

        Step 4
        For very young babies, mix about one tablespoon of baby rice (or alternative) with enough breastmilk or warmed formula to give an almost watery consistency. If you use feeding bottles, try mixing the cereal in the lids - they are just the right size, plus they are already sterilized! Babies over 6 months of age may be able to cope with a thicker texture.

        Step 5
        Get your baby comfortable - depending on baby's age, it might be a bit too early for a high chair, as many offer little support for a young child.
        We like the Bumbo Baby Sitter Aqua- its unique design means that no straps are needed and it can be used by babies as young as three months. Bumbos are not just great for feeding, but can keep your baby upright for playing or just so that he can see what's going on around him.
        Click here for more examples of practical high chairs, plus tips on what to consider when making your purchase.
        Alternatively, you could just sit him in your lap to feed him - but first make sure you're not wearing your favourite jeans! (You might also like to take a look at ourtips for coping with messy mealtimes!)

        Step 6
        Use a rubber-tipped spoon - it's kinder on baby's gums.

        Step 7
        One of two things will happen now - your baby will either open his mouth eagerly and accept this wonderful new experience ... or he'll push everything out of his mouth, pull a face and look completely offended! Whatever reaction you get, RELAX and SMILE. If you're tense, your baby will know - especially if he's on your lap. A smile and some encouraging sounds from you can make all the difference.

        Step 8
        If he's keen, continue feeding until he's finished. If not, DON'T try to continue. There's no rush. Trying to force a baby to eat is the best way to put him off the whole experience. Try again the next day, or a few days later.

        Read more: