"Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my Blog. All the photos were taken by me, unless indicated otherwise. You can use or reproduce certain contents and images (except for personal notes/ journals) for personal use only."

Blog's quote: Biarlah apa yang ditulis memberi manfaat untuk yang lain, insyaAllah.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The doctor said....

"stop urinate in the middle of the urinating process!"
Image of cartoon character constipated
hish, WHY?
this is for bladder control exercise!
It's possible?
YES, just try it. You maybe failed in the first time, but keep trying and you will keep your muscle strong.
Down arrow
When the muscles that control the bladder get weak, bladder exercises can help make them strong again. Doing bladder control exercises for just 5 minutes, three times a day, can make a big difference in your bladder control. Life's events can weaken pelvic muscles. [2]
Things such as pregnancy, childbirth, and being overweight can do it. Luckily, when these muscles get weak, you can help make them strong again. More reading HERE! [2]

Healthy Bladder

[1] Dr. Gudvagen, Brookings Medical Center

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Aliya, where's your teeth!?

Aliya will be 9 months old this September, but she's not teething yet! We are waiting for Aliya's teeth to come out, and since there is no sign yet, so, we tend to forget about it...haha

"This morning, we met Dr. Turner for Aliya's monthly medical check-up. Aliya's weight is loosing 25% from her development-graph target and doc. suggested us to give her more salad, chicken and meat to gain her calories back."

Continue with the teeth story.... 8 months baby should have 4 teeth already, and Aliya have none. There is nothing to worry about it, said Dr. Turner. Baby teeth can show up as late as 14 months.

  • "Many parents worry about the timing of the appearance of their children's teeth. While the average time for the appearance of the first teeth is between five and seven months of age, there is a wide normal variation of timing. The teeth might come in as early as one month of age, or they might wait until a child is almost one-and-a-half-years-old. Anywhere in this range can be normal. Read more: http://www.drgreene.com/qa/baby-teeth#ixzz0xWMxFkV0"

Teething age of deciduous teeth (wiki):

Primary Teeth Eruption Chart

More links about baby teething development:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tak sanggup!

Huhu tadi ada browse shopper-blog yang jual barang2 branded dari over-c, such as gucci bags and shoes, guess wallet, and etc2...harga dia sampai RM9000 pun ada... masalahnyer SOLD pulak tu! huh tak sanggup rasanya nak spending duit untuk barang2 camtu... mungkin orang berduit dan minat barang2 camtu la kot yang beli2 barang yang mahal2 tu..hehhe :) kalau kami, memang surrender la gamaknyer... sekarang ni menabung untuk emergency dan untuk pergi bercuti, so, berjimat cermat amalam yang patut diamalkan! :)

**so, bila dok tertarik tengok blog2 camtu, Mama cakap la ngan Papa:

*Mama: Papa, boleh lah kita buat shopper-blog yang jual2 barang2 brand ni, macam laku aje, kat tempat kita ni macam senang nak dapat barang2 camtu...

*Papa: Hish, tak nak la, buat apa galakkan orang membazir!

*Mama: erk, ok, elok la kalau pk camtu, hehhe :)

Papa & Aliya outside our house this evening.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't judge

We have no right to judge someone else. No matter how bad he/ she is. No matter what others told about he/ she. Just bear in mind, don't make assumption too quickly, be friend first and be frank! I think, be a positive person is the key and don't judge.

~Cheers (^_^)...

Notes: Ingatan untuk diri sendiri, yang kadang2 lupa dan cepat memberi andaian terhadap sesuatu dan seseorang. Anggapan yang dibuat biasanya negetif tanpa selidik terlebih dahulu.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Less 'Facebooking' and 'blogging'...

I'll not frequently update my blog and Facebook for this fasting month... :)
Have a great Ramadhan!

Resting mood...

Notes: Bacalah al-Quran jom...
***and Don't use your hp while driving, seriously, it's very unsafe manners!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Too many plans for a day...

See the sunrise at sunflowers field.
Self-plucking raspberries at Sanderson's Gardens.
Make an ice-cream cheesecake.
Papa will be at his lab this morning.
Go to Sioux Falls this afternoon for Harold Photo Center Tent Sale.
Dinner at Dr. Feng's house.

Bee-zy day...bzzzbzzz bzzz

Thursday, August 12, 2010

2 Ramadhan


Second day of Ramadhan done smoothly!

We visited sunflowers field this evening and we enjoyed our time so much! The sunflowers are so gorgeous! Subhanallah, cantik sungguh.


*more photos at my photoblog :)*

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1 Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah...no words can describe our feeling when we break the fasting few hours ago. We had a very long day today. The weather was so hot (approximately 33°C-35°C).

We went to Sioux Falls for Aliya's Dermatologist check-up with Dr. Wanna. The appointment should be started at 3.20pm, but it was delayed till 4pm. We reached home at 6pm.

Today's menu for 'berbuka puasa' is tom yam. We bought fresh and green lemon grass from Vietnamese Store at Sioux Falls and the tom yam turns delicious! Alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang Allah berikan pada hari ini....


Monday, August 9, 2010

I miss my mom so much! :)

I can't stop myself to think about her all the time! Yes, it's you MOM! :) You are my life, you are my heart and you are my everything. You're the one who shared your life with me before I can see the world. You're the one who teach me how to crawl, walk and run. You're the one who always standing by my side, shared my happiness and the sadness too of course.

Thanks for everything you had done to me. Sorry for all my wrong doing. Ma, you are the BEST.

Selamat berpuasa untuk keluarga di Malaysia...

Notes: Kami di sini mendoakan Ma selamat segalanya di Mekah nanti, semoga segala urusan Ma dipermudahkan Allah. muah muah muah Tak tahu ma akan baca ke tak entry ni. :)

Abang H and Kakak J, serta Abang M ataupon Abang J, nanti amik kat airport bely? hehe

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hay bale

We visited Larson Park this evening (Larson Park is just 10minutes from our house). The weather is so hot. We did some photo shooting at the grass field with hay bale. Hay bale is the grass that have been cut, dried and used as animal food. We enjoyed our time so much... :)

Friday, August 6, 2010


  • Kebahagian adalah hak indvidu? betul tak? :)
  • Hasad jangan, rosakkan kebahagian saudara lain pon jangan.
  • Kadang2 hati terdetik, dengki dengan bahagia yang lain, tidak bahagia kah kita? atau hati ini tak pernah merasa puas dengan apa yang kita dah ada?
  • Dia merasa bahagia, tidak semestinya bila kita berada di tempatnya kita akan merasa perasaan yang sama? yup, bahagia adalah hak individu...
  • Kita tidak bahagia sekarang, mungkin Allah sedang menguji kita, tidak bahagia di dunia, mungkin bahagiakan ada di akhirat nanti... berdoa, berserah hati kepada Pencipta dan bersabar akan membuatkan hati redha dan tenang dengan segala dugaan yang ada.
Bersihkan hati, bersihkan jiwa dari perkara negetif dan selamat berbahagia..

last but not least, selamat berpuasa juga! :) Ya Allah kami berharap agar ibadah puasa kami diterimamu ya Allah...

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    All in One Cloth Diaper (AIO-CD)

    We bought cloth diaper for Aliya from ebay and we will received it next week. We won the bidding and paid $6 for one diaper.

    (Notes: nanti, kalau aliya dah guna CD ni, insyaAllah Mama akan tulis review plak k..ok ke tak dan sesuai ke tak untuk Aliya, harap dapat jimat duit bila guna CD ni, kalau tak setiap 3 minggu habis $15 untuk diapers aje)

    Reviews about AIO-CD (taken from: http://www.diaperjungle.com/aio-cloth-diapers.html):

    It is a type of diaper that functions completely on its own without the need for extra accessories. It does not require separate soaker material to absorb nor a separate diaper cover to contain leaks. All of the features are neatly packaged into one diaper. Many parents find this type of diaper to be the height of convenience since all they need is in one place. It also saves on space when traveling.

    Advantages of AIO Cloth Diapers :

    • Functions like a disposable, except you don't throw it away!

    • No separate cover required

    • No separate soaker or doubler required

    • Easy to use

    • Available in lots of cute colors and prints

    • Perferred by childcare givers

    Disadvantages of AIO Cloth Diapers:

    • Longer drying times

    • Harder to clean effectively