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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hey guys: How to propose a girl for the first time

Love is beautiful. Beautiful love turns to a happy ending story if we met the right person. If you think she is the right girl for you, then make your first step! These are some tips that I experienced before I got married...enjoy

  1. KIS : KEEP IT SIMPLE. ~ express you true feeling with a good manner and simple words. Perhaps you can say, "I really like you when we first met. Can I know you more than just a friend?" ... Kalau dia menolak, ucap terima kasih sebab mengenali dia adalah satu yang istimewa, diharap dapat terus berkawan. Segan dan sedih kalau si dia menolak, tapi terima dengan hati yang terbuka.
  2. Don't be too pushy, just be cool although your heart was trembling. If she say NO, just accept it with an opened heart. And if she say YES, maybe you can send a Thank You card with red roses. Remember, be patience!!
  3. Give her some times to think.
  4. Be honest. Jangan tipu2 tentang diri untuk menutup keburukan or so what ever. tapi jangan la terus tunjuk keburukan or sifat2 yang tak manis, lain2 waktu cubalah perbaiki diri...
  5. Jangan marah dan salahkan si dia kalau tak jadi seperti yang diharapkan. Be a gentlemen, berundur dengan baik, maybe, dia suka ngan attitude kita walau tak cintakan kita, then dia akan propose kita kat kawan2 or family dia ke? who know??

Last but not least, just being you. You will know she is the one if the times come.

Niat yang baik dengan DOA, TAWAKAL, YAKIN dan USAHA, insyaAllah dipermudahkan jalan. Good luck!

Notes: pengalaman ni apa yang dirasai secara peribadi sebelum ni. Pengalaman yang diambil dari kawan2, dan orang sekeliling.

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