- If you eat onions you can get rid of onion breath by eating parsley.
[2] Olive Oil
- A tablespoon of olive oil contains about 120 calories and 14 g total fat.
- 'Light' olive oil refers to the light color and milder flavor- it's not lower in fat.
[3] Carrot
- Carrot really can help you see in the dark! Carrots contains with vitamin A known to prevent "night blindness".
[4] Drinking water
- There are about 100,000 bacteria in one liter of drinking water. *Masak air sebelum minum!
[5] Fruits & vegetables
- Sometimes frozen fruits and frozen vegetables are more nutritious than fresh. Fruits and vegetables grown for freezing are usually frozen right after they're picked. Therefor they have less time to lose their nutrients.
[6] Tomato
- Have a tomato with your burger! When a source of vitamin C (orange, lemon, grapefruits, strawberry, potato, tomato, etc) is eaten with meat or cooked dry beans, the body makes a better use of the iron in the protein food.
[7] Calories vs Fat
- It takes 3500 calories to make a pound a fat. So, as long as you are active and burning of calories, calories should not have too much of chance to turn into fat.
[8] Lemon
- Lemon contain more sugar than strawberry!
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