Good morning everyone! I Hope you have a blast and wonderful day today. Today is Friday, and papa is not 'working' today because today is Happy Friday holiday, but he will go to work as usual because he has many things to do with his lab research.
On Saturday, we plan to visit Dinosaur exhibition at Goss Opera House & Gallery, Watertown, South Dakota's source for the finest in entertainment, art and food. Watertown is approximately 1-2 hours from Brookings.
Plan two
If papa have time and not working on Sunday, we plan to go to Oakwood Lake, not far away from Brookings, it is only 15 - 20 minutes from here.
Plan three
We want to buy a stroller for Aliya, so we can bring her for walk on evening since there is warm and nice weather here. No more jacket and white snow!
Plan four
Mama plan to cook Baked Macaroni, recipe from Kak Ja! :)
I hope all my plans can be achieved and if it is, a lot of pictures will be taken. TUNGGUUUUUU!!!!
Baked macaroni recipes
This recipe was taken from Kak ja.
- 200g makaroni
- 7-9 telur
- 1 tin susu cair
- 2-3 biji bawang besar
- 5 ulas bawang putih
- 1 paket kecil rempah kari
- Ayam/ daging cincang (atau 3 keping daging burger ayam/ lembu)
- 100g sayur campur
- 1-2 biji lada merah/ hijau
- Daun sup/ daun bawang
- Rebus makaroni, campur sedikit garam dan minyak/ margarine
- Cincang bawang putih & besar kemudian tumis sampai kekuningan
- Masukkan rempah kari dan daging, masak sehingga empuk
- Masukkan makaroni, sedikit garam kemudian gaul rata
- Kecilkan api, masukkan sayur, campur, daun sup/ bawang serta susu cair.
- Tuang ke dalam loyang
- Telur dipukul sedikit dan dituang ke atas makaroni
- Bakar selama 45min suhu 180 darjah.
Aliya of the day!
Aliya want to go to school? haha
*mode~ rindu nenek!
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