"It's a well-known fact that, once a baby reaches teething age, everything goes into the mouth. For nursing mothers, it can be a frustration when the child you've been waking yourself every two hours to feed suddenly bites you hard, but try not to take it personally. Do stop your baby and so, "no biting!" in your "I mean it" voice. (If you don't have your "I mean it" voice in place yet, here's where you develop it). Don't worry: you won't traumatize your child and you may be able to get the message across and continue to breastfeed in an atmosphere of mutual respect and (guarded) trust. Some babies won't stop biting when nursing, in which case, moms usually decide to wean their children. This is one of the first times you will have to decide whether you're going to be an assertive parent who manages to meet the needs of her baby while maintaining her own need not to be injured, or a resentful martyr who bears unnecessary bruises and whose child will go on to bite babysitters, grandparents and even pets in her quest for something firm to chew on.
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