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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Danskin's shape up shoes

  • I bought Danskin's 'shape up' shoes last two weeks. They build with comfy curved plate for easy movement. Seriously, these shoes are soooo comfortable.

  • You need to be careful when you try these shoes for the first time, and you will get used with it within 5-10minutes.

  • This type of footwear comes with sandals too. I choose Daskin brand because they are more cheaper than others.

  • I LOVE THEM very much! :). Alhamdulillah and I really glad I bought these shoes because no more foot pain!

Notes: Rasa-rasanya, sape2 yang selalu sakit kaki bila jalan lama-lama or berdiri lama2 tu sesuai kot pakai ni, sebab selese sangat.. Bila pakai tu, rasa cam jalan pakai high-heels dan melayang2..best best :)


Anonymous said...

order satu!

Aza said...

sapa ni :p tapi ni untuk women saje, ermmm lelaki jarang2 sakit kaki..hehe