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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hemoglobin E

Aliya + Hemoglobin E!

Notes about HE below was taken from wikipedia, and I am not really familiar with the scientific terms stated.

Doctor Turner said Aliya has Hemoglobin E in her blood (kurang darah merah). Mama and papa hope she will not get any harm disease from this conditions.

  • Hemoglobin E or haemoglobin E (HbE) is an abnormal hemoglobin with a single point mutation in the β chain. At position 26 there is a change from a glutamate to a lysine.
  • People with the hemoglobin E trait have a mild hemolytic anemia and mild splenomegaly. Hemoglobin E trait is asymptomatic. In combination with certain thalassemia mutations, it provides an increased resistance to malaria (P. falciparum).
  • Hemoglobin E is most prevalent in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam) and North-East India, where in certain areas carrier rates reach 60% of the population. The mutation is estimated to have arisen within the last 5,000 years.

Notes: Kashturi want to visit us this evening. Mama and papa will preparing goreng pisang and lemon cake for her and her husband.

Today's, mama and papa will cleaning, washing, the house, it is quite messy here!

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aiMie said...

hrmmm xde pe pum za..tp biasenye HbE low ni akn dpt anemia laa..bila aliya preg nnt, Hb dia low..Hb low ni akn mngurangkn oksigen ke organ trutamanye ke otak..so,akn slalu laa dpt dizziness n cam nk pitam..tp leh prevent,kna mkn byk mknan utk ptmbhan darah lh..insyaAllah leh sembuh kalo stkat HbE sje yg low...lain laa kalo dpt Thalasemia..yg tu heritate...take care~

Aza said...

Thanks mie for the info, risau gak, harap dia takde pape lah....