"Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my Blog. All the photos were taken by me, unless indicated otherwise. You can use or reproduce certain contents and images (except for personal notes/ journals) for personal use only."

Blog's quote: Biarlah apa yang ditulis memberi manfaat untuk yang lain, insyaAllah.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


We were playing bubble's gun this evening. Aliya was so bored stuck in the house for a few days. Pity her. The weather not permit us to be outside.
Aliya will be 18 months this coming Wednesday.

Saje nak share pasal penggunaan FEW, tengah belajar nak menulis dalam english dengan betul, huh tak reti2 bila tak bercakap dua tiga hari atau tak mengarang seminggu, terus lupa nak speaking, hehhe:

Penggunaan 'few'
"Few" means some, but not many.

"There are a few people outside the building."
"I have a few pieces of chocolate left, but I want to eat them all."
"He has a few friends."

Use it with countable nouns only! And since it means some , you only use it with plurals. Therefore, "a few days" is correct.

Wanna know something fun? If you take out the "a" before "few", the meaning becomes "not many" and slightly negative:
"There are few people outside the building." (There should be more.)
"I have few pieces of chocolate." (I don't have a lot of chocolate)
"He has few friends." (Nobody really likes him).

Have fun with "few"!

Source: Andrew

Happy birthday Papa! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ayam bakar celery yang best!

Senang dan sedap..hehhe sedaplah bagi kami, tak tahu la orang lain kan... :) Bahan2 nak buat tu senang aje...so, kalau sape2 takde idea nak masak apa, boleh la try... yumy yumy:

(1) Chicken
(2) Mayonnaise/ Plain yogurt
(3) Celery stalks
(4) Fried onion
(5) salt


Biasanya separuh ayam saiz sederhana yang digunakan, tapi, terpulang la pada masing2 kan....

  1. Mula2 goreng bawang besar, separuh labu aje kalau bawang tu besar, kalau bawang kecik guna sebiji (secukupnya untuk diperap dengan ayam nanti)
  2. Bila bawang dah kekuningan dan berbau harummm, hehhe tutup api, then angkat, so boleh la di gaul dengan ayam yang dibasuh bersih
  3. Letakkan mayonis atau plain yogurt dalam 2-4 sudu (tapi, taruk je as you desire k) tapi kalau banyak sangat pon nanti masam plak..secukup rasa la eh...
  4. Potong celery stalk kecik2 dalam sebatang setengah then gaul ngan ayam tu sekali
  5. taruk garam secukup rasa, jangan banyak2.
  6. Gaulkan semua benda dan perap dalam 30min, suka hati la lama mana pon k, kalau agak2 tak de masa, gaul2 then taruk je dalam oven, hehhe
  7. masa dok tunggu perap, panaskan oven dalm 400°F , jangan lah panaskan sampai setengah jam , hehhe dalam beberapa minit je sebelum nak masukkan ayam... then bakar ayam selama 30minit, atau pon selama ayam tu masak la kan, dekat2 nak masak tu boleh pelankan suhu ke 350°F.. selalu la check ayam tu, takut hangus plak, huhu

Bila dah masak boleh lah dimakan ngan nasi, atau pon ratah and cicah ngan cili sos pon best gak, hehhe Buat masa sekarang ni gambar takde lagi, buat ayam ni semalam, belum sempat nak snap, dah habis dah..huhu terlupa nak amik gambo..lenkali la yer...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Oreo Truffles

huhu tak dapat shape kan betul2 bulat...

Yummy yummy. This is my second Oreo Truffles. It very easy to make and it taste so good.

You can browse the recipe here: http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/easy-oreo-truffles-95085.aspx 

* Oreo truffles yang diinspirasikan dari http://invinciblesweettooth.blogspot.com/ , heheh tengok pon dah terliur, so apa lagi, try la buat, huduh sungguh rupanya, tak sama ngan cik invinciblesweettooth buat, tapi yang penting layannnn...hehhe :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blogger error code!

This is really annoying when I keep getting the bX-ixy9ss error code when I sign in to blogger.com. I can't even open my blogger dashboard. This thing make me worries. huhuhu What can I do? =(

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bulat kecil bulat besar....

Aliya keep on asking Papa to draw and sing "Bulat kecil bulat besar" song...She will scream if Papa stop singing... below is the result from Papa's drawing-singing..hehe

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Aurat oh aurat! Untuk wanita Muslim

Ayat renungan hari ini dipetik dari akaun FB Ustaz Zaharuddin:

"Dari respon kpd soalan berkenaan fesyen SANGGUL TINGGI, ternyata MAJORITI LELAKI, termasuk wanita TIDAK memandangnya cantik. Isu sanggul bukan besar tapi intinya adalah JANGAN MENJADI HAMBA KPD NAFSU INGIN MERASA CANTIK lbh dari limitasinya. Tinggalkanlah shj fesyen itu & berpada dgn ikatan rambut asal yg biasa. Moga kecantikan hakiki terhebat milik kalian di Syurga tanpa kekurangan. ~(Ustaz Zaharuddin)"

Lawati Zaharuddin.Net untuk penerangan terperinci tentang aurat lelaki & wanita. Sama2lah kita berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. 

Hari ni ada terbaca satu blog yang betul2 serius dalam kempen menutup aurat. Ayat2 yang digunakan agak kasar, tapi memang bertetapan dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang ni. Jom kita sama2 menutup aurat sebaiknya, insyaAllah, amin. Klik button biru bawah ni untuk link blog tersebut:

Aliya is on bike!

We bought this bicycle child carrier for Aliya. It's so comfy and safe for her. Good for basic riding. Aliya loves it so much. She get excited when we ride it this evening.

Aliya and Papa are ready to ride! :)


Hati berbunga di musim bunga! Alhamdulillah. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's warmer ahead!

Alhamdulillah, I feel the heat, since it has been a long cold season here.
It's time for outdoors. We plans for cycling for this coming weekend or visiting Omaha Zoo. :) Can't wait, insyaAllah. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day is every day

*Please don't copy/ publish this photo in any source. 

Happy mother's day to all loving's Moms. You are the best! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Messed up with Aliya's age!

Hahhaha we are so confused in counting Aliya's age. She was born on December, 1st of 2009 and it made her 17 months old now. The funny is, we both confidently told everyone she is 15 months old by assuming the 1 year and 5 months old as 15 months.

I have made this lilypie sticker to get the right counting of her age. hahha Sorry sayang! Mama dah penin mengira.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers