Did you know...
Mushroom have their own taste, not sweet, sour, bitter or salty but it taste called as UMAMI. This fifth taste was discovered in 1906 at Tokyo, Japan.
UMAMI characteristics:
- Softens sour, masks bitter, extends finish, improves palatability, triggers salivations, and contribute to mouth feel, creates sense of well being.
Mushroom contain a rich mixture of natural compounds such as glutamate, free nucleic (amino), acid and ribonucleotides that contributes to that savory umami taste sensation.
In general, the more mature a food, the higher its level of free amino acids and it will higher the umami rating.
• Mushrooms have been successfully used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat many different types of health conditions. Western science and medicine are finally beginning to recognize and utilize some of the medicinally active compounds in mushrooms and elucidate their modes of action.
• Just like humans, Mushrooms can produce Vitamin D upon exposure to sunlight and UV radiation. UV light is utilized in the production of these mushrooms. For example, a four-ounce (112 grams) serving of Maitake mushrooms produced by the Hokto-patented methodology contains 85% of the Daily RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for Vitamin D. Many people today are deficient in Vitamin D and there is evidence that Vitamin D deficiencies may be linked to cancer and other disease states.
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