Yesterday evening, we gave Aliya rice for dinner. She was very excited while ate which you can see in pictures below.

Baby's first FOOD- Getting started
First things first - please read through the food preparation and storage guidelines for some important food safety tips.
Don't forget to label foods as you prepare them for your baby.Make a note of the preparation date on the label, as this will help you "rotate" stored foods to ensure they are safe for your baby to eat. It's a good idea to note the contents, too - pureed foods tend to look alike and it may be important to identify a particular food later on (if your baby experiences an allergic reaction, for example).
Ultimately, you need to ensure that you are providing healthy, balanced nutrition to your baby. With baby's first foods, though, you need to keep things simple.
Step 1
Pediatricians often recommend starting with a single grain cereal, like baby rice, because it isglutenfree and considered easy to digest. However... there ARE alternatives and many medical professionals are beginning to acknowledge the value of fruits, veggies... or even meat... as suitable first foods.
Read more here -The Best First Food For Baby - Does it HAVE to be Baby Rice?
If you DO choose to introduce rice first, here's a simple and nutritious recipe to make your own.
Alternatively, you may like to try our baby oatmeal recipes.
Step 2
Pick a quiet time of day for baby's first meal - a time when you won't be distracted, or feel pressured. This can be easier said than done - especially if you have other young children at home. In that case, a "quiet time of day" doesn't actually exist, so you'll have to make do with "quieter than usual"! If your other children are old enough to understand, you could get them to "help" you with this historic first feed - they love being involved.
Step 3
You may like to take the edge off your baby's appetite by giving him about half his milk feed first or feeding him about an hour or so after breastfeeding. If he's too hungry, he'll probably end up screaming in frustration - and so will you!
Step 4
For very young babies, mix about one tablespoon of baby rice (or alternative) with enough breastmilk or warmed formula to give an almost watery consistency. If you use feeding bottles, try mixing the cereal in the lids - they are just the right size, plus they are already sterilized! Babies over 6 months of age may be able to cope with a thicker texture.
Step 5
Get your baby comfortable - depending on baby's age, it might be a bit too early for a high chair, as many offer little support for a young child.
We like the Bumbo Baby Sitter Aqua
- its unique design means that no straps are needed and it can be used by babies as young as three months. Bumbos are not just great for feeding, but can keep your baby upright for playing or just so that he can see what's going on around him.
Click here for more examples of practical high chairs, plus tips on what to consider when making your purchase.
Alternatively, you could just sit him in your lap to feed him - but first make sure you're not wearing your favourite jeans! (You might also like to take a look at ourtips for coping with messy mealtimes!)
Step 6
Use a rubber-tipped spoon - it's kinder on baby's gums.
Step 7
One of two things will happen now - your baby will either open his mouth eagerly and accept this wonderful new experience ... or he'll push everything out of his mouth, pull a face and look completely offended! Whatever reaction you get, RELAX and SMILE. If you're tense, your baby will know - especially if he's on your lap. A smile and some encouraging sounds from you can make all the difference.
Step 8
If he's keen, continue feeding until he's finished. If not, DON'T try to continue. There's no rush. Trying to force a baby to eat is the best way to put him off the whole experience. Try again the next day, or a few days later.
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