*Actually, her real first step was started during her first birthday :).
"Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my Blog. All the photos were taken by me, unless indicated otherwise. You can use or reproduce certain contents and images (except for personal notes/ journals) for personal use only."
Blog's quote: Biarlah apa yang ditulis memberi manfaat untuk yang lain, insyaAllah.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Her steps
Aliya is totally excited with her new ability and she's ready to run. She walks very fast and I'm so happy. What a priceless moment.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Shrimp celery soup

The ingredients (for a person):
- 15-20 medium shrimps
- 1-2 stalk of celery
- 2-3 spoons mayonnaise
- Garlic powder
- Salt
- Pure ground black pepper
- water
Si merah jambu!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Books for baby

Aliya loves books! She likes to listen to our voices. She loves the pictures too.
*Free your time to read for your baby =).
"Early literacy can start long before a baby can read. Reading books early to a child can be fun and start a lifelong affair with literature. Follow these steps to start!" ~wikiHow
"Reading aloud; (1) teaches a baby about communication, (2) introduces concepts such as stories, numbers, letter, colors and shapes in a fun way, (3) builds listening, memory, and vocabulary skills, (4) gives babies info about the world around them." ~KidsHealth from Nemours
"When should I start reading to my baby? It never too early. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends reading aloud daily to your baby starting at 6 months of age." ~BabyCenter
"Here are some dos and don'ts for you and your budding reader..." ~scholastics
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Winter is still here....

There are 3 things I learn about the cold weather.
[1] When it too cold, just stay at home with a cup of hot coffee!
[2] The road will be very slippery because of the black ice, so, be careful with your steps! And it's better if we just stay at home.
[3] There are 3 parts of my body which i need to cover properly when I go outside; my face, my fingertips and my feet...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Just for FUN! ;)
I tried to googling Aliya's name for toys product and I found quite cool results! :p

From Amazon.co.uk: Fluffy toy with I LOVE ALIYA t-shirt.

From ebay.com: ALIYA the Elephant!
She not being naughty, but....
Aliya always make mess during meals. She like to play with her fork and spoon and tried to scoop everything out from her plate. She not being naughty, but that is how they learn and act during her development time.
Do not scold your baby because their 'mess-behave'. Be prepared and all the best. =)

[1] Ages & Stages book for SD Children.
[2] Aliya :p
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Aliya toys
It difficult to find appropriate toys for Aliya. As I know, toys playing a big role for kids development.
In her ONE year old age, she love to play toys with sound. When she heard a song or listen to a music, she will moved her body and dancing. I love when she tingled her hands and moved her bumpy butt.
Aliya like to play with her stacking wooden block, and 'lego's.
She also love to play with ball. She will yelled 'baaa' when she has the ball in her hands.
Aliya had 2 fluffy cat toys which she adore it so much. "Miowwww miowwww" will come from her mouth repeatedly when she hug her 'teddy-cat'.
Do your research and try to know your kids interest before you buy toys for them :)! We really enjoyed buying toys for Aliya. Do you?
Related links:
Online photo editing & effects

I used this 'befunky' photo editing & effects and it's an easy and simple online editing software as picnik.com. It's free and no downloads required.
Do try and change your photos to various artwork! =)